Bang Bang You're Dead is a one-act play written by William Mastrosimone to raise awareness of school violence and its causes. The plot focuses on Josh, a high school student who murders his parents and five classmates. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the roots of school violence, which, as Mastrosimone writes in his notes on the play, are not always easily seen. Mastrosimone hopes that the play will help people “see tragedy before it happens." The playwright hopes to reach out to potential killers in the thousands of audiences that the play continues to gather.
Location: FSU's Moore Auditorium
Date: January 28th, 2018

Shadow of Darkness our original historical research musical adaptated from the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, the musical follows the romantic relationship between two people living in Germany in 1942: Izaak, an up-and-coming German musician, and Eliora, a Jewish woman who is living and working illegally after the passing of the Nuremberg Laws. When a miscommunication causes Eliora and the other Jewish women in their village to be imprisoned in Sobibor concentration camp, Izaak must use his brother's ties to the Nazi party to find her, battling with his own morals in the process.
We held an interactive panels following the performances featuring discussions led by WWII historians about the importance of Holocaust education, by the production team about the behind-the-scenes making of the musical.
"Shadow of Darkness" had its workshop premiere on April 17th, 2017, after which the production team spent time editing and rewriting the script and score. This production was made possible by generous rehearsal & performance space allocations from the Student Theatre Association and funding from the FSU Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement through the IDEA Grant, which was awarded to composer Grace Hayes and lyricist Rebecca Barton in the Spring of 2017.
Many thanks to the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement, the Institute on World War II and the Human Experience, the Student Theatre Association, and the Allies of WWII RSO for their support!
Location: FSU's Augusta Conradi Theatre
Date: March 27th - March 28th

Tied to a Bugle: The WWII Memoirs of George Aigen was the first staged reading of this new play. This was a piece of verbatim theatre created from interviews with George Aigen, a WWII veteran who helped to liberate the concentration camp Dachau, written with his permission.
Location: FSU's Moore Auditorium
Date: April 21st - April 22nd

The summer of 2018, White Mouse Theatre Productions hit the road and took our comedy, BLONDE, to the Orlando Fringe Festival!
BLONDE is all of your favorite blonde jokes—brought to life! Audiences from all over watched as their favorite blonde jokes left them laughing and crying (or groaning) out loud from start to finish! The show follows the comical attempts of seven different Blondes, all trying to get through life in spite of their blondeness. From robbery to adultery to a potential murder, there's no end to the things these Blondes will do. But what can we say? Sometimes a Blonde's gotta do what a Blonde's gotta do.
Location: The Breakthrough Theatre of Winter Park, FL
Date: May 16th - May 27th