White Mouse Theatre Productions is a student theatre company focused on social change at FSU. Founded in 2016, we have produced and toured a wide range of new plays and events at both Florida State University and the Orlando Fringe Festival.
Our name comes from the code name of WWII spy, Nancy Wake. We are inspired by her daring exploits and the way that she used her talents and abilities to fight for what she believed in. We are doing the same thing by furthering education about her and others like her who have been lost in history. We believe that theatre is one of the most effective ways to engender change and it helps our society because it allows individuals to recognize and confront what is happening and take action.
Plays are one of the most effective ways to engender change. Theatre helps our society because it allows individuals to recognize and confront what is happening and take action. Our plays are often rooted in history. Often, revisiting history can be overwhelming for people, something they do not look forward to learning about because there is often darkness in history. However, our job is not to let the darkness win and to let the light in when possible.
To help improve this education, the play would help correct and improve social change on the topic by introducing it in new and creative mediums, like plays. People can learn to accept these tragic events in interactive and different ways that bring it to life in a safe way that fosters learning and empathy.